Welcome to Salem City Infrastructure and Development Seekers Forum (SCIDSF)
Salem is a fast growing Industrial and Textile city, soon a City of multi domain Industries and Corporates. Salem in many ways have been sustainable by itself, but to cope up with the current developments and to attract more in future, a special attention needs to be taken for the advancement of infrastructure in terms of transportation, roads, flyovers, train services, air services, city buses, government institutions. In order to list out the needs of our city and the ways to attain those needs, a discussion forum was required which actually paved way for the formation of SCIDSF.
SCIDSF is unique of its kind and a non-profitable forum, which primarily focuses on the Infrastructure and Development of Salem District/City with help of Salemites who has the passion towards the betterment of Salem. People here are together with same ideologies, and their goal is to make Salem, A Great City in Tamilnadu? India? Why Not in World? Dreams have no limits, So as our Goals.
SCIDSF was started in January 2009 by a group of 8 members. Together we listed out the needs for the Development factors of Salem in different areas and started working on each targets in different platforms. One of our success stories is Salem Airport Activation. This success gave us an energy boost to work more vigorously on other development steps, which we have in our agenda. Today the team size grew to 17, working together to make our all goals a success, one after the other. Any Salemite with a passion for Salem's development is invited to join hands with us to contribute more for our city. |